October 22, 2011

Hello friends! It has been several months since my last post. I want to update you all (the three of you who may still take a peek at this blog) and let you know about our lives so far in Baltimore, MD!

MATCH DAY was a whirlwind. We gathered at the campus of USC Keck School of Medicine and sat through two agaonizing speeches and at least three helpful glasses of champagne before they announced that the students could go and pick up their match letters. Brad was off to collect his future while I waited with Brad's Dad, Cindy, Brad's Mom, Don and Nicole (who brilliantly came all the way from Seattle to be there for us during this big event!). It was a surreal and very emotional few minutes, even for spectators. Some people burst into excited laughter and screams when they learned where they had matched. A few were seen sobbing, clearly disappointed by their results. It was heartbreaking to see a couple split up by their match results and knowing that they'd be facing a long distance marriage for at least the next three years. Brad was taking FOREVER to get his letter. Finally, he came down to the table where we were waiting, letter in hand. Brad and I then opened the letter together. Anxiety was high, high, high as we looked down at the folded white pages. Finally, it was revealed-Johns Hopkins Medical Center-Pediatrics!!! Brad and I were stunned. We just stood there for about a minute, looking at each other, looking at the letter-wash, rinse, repeat. Brad shared the news with our little audience. Everyone seemed surprised but happy and congratulatory. I felt zombie-like. I knew we had a great adventure ahead of us. I knew that Brad had matched with his second choice, which was fabulous. But still, I felt shell shocked by the intensity of the day. Even though we knew that an place on his list was a possibility, I think both Brad and I felt that the letter would be San Diego. With a few moments to consider the results, we headed to our Match Day picnic!

We had a wonderful time celebrating and visiting with all the people who came out to our Match Day picnic. The Orth family, the Lopez family, the Mack family, my Dad, Jorge, my sister, brother and Mom, Kevin, Roy, Jim and Christine (and of course some blue label Jack) and all the folks who were at the ceremony helped us toast Brad's match. We are very grateful for the support. You make it very difficult to leave California!
However, leave California we did. VERY luckily, I was able to get a transfer with my job to our firm's D.C. office. We made the decision to make our life in Baltimore, where Johns Hopkins is located, legit and buy a rowhouse. It was a big decision, but so far so good, we are loving our new home!

Here is our deck when we first saw it in April. It hasn't gotten too much use, but hopefully this fall we'll fire up the BBQ and have our friends over (all six of them) for some grub!

 This is a view of the front of our house. I don't know what's going on with the blue hue, but I assure you, it is not so melancholy.
We love our little neighborhood, Canton. We also lucked out in a MAJOR way when we selected this place as it is about a five minute walk to our new, dear friends Dov and Laura. Our neighbors across the street are also amazing. They are a family with three kids and they have had really embraced us and helped us out.

We have been here for about four and a half months. It has been challenging and an adventure, as we expected. There have been weeks when we haven't seen each other and there have been weeks when we're cranky and horrible to be around because we haven't had much sleep. But in all, we are happy and we are  glad to be making a home within a unique and colorful community.

We have finally set up our second bedroom and it is ready for guests! So please keep us in mind as you think about what kind of trips you'll be making over the next few years. We'd love to host you in Charm City sometimes soon!