October 15, 2010

Blog O' The Morning To You

Good afternoon blogosphere!

I've decided to embrace the times and use this handy dandy blog tool to share with family, friends and anyone interested, our experience with the residency interview and selection process that will be consuming quite a bit of time over the next several months.

The Scoop on Us

My husband Brad and I have been married for a little over a year. At that time I had just finished the bar exam and was about to begin my first year as a lawyer and Brad was about to start his third year of medical school.

Brad, my brilliant little bunnykins, did wonderfully his third year. He honored in several rotations and rocked his Step 1 exams. He also rocked his fancy pants, tailored shirts, and white coat. I get to brag as much as I want, I'm his wife. In selecting which area of medicine Brad wanted to practice, he teeter-tottered between Family Medicine, Med-Peds (a combination of internal medicine and pediatrics that takes an extra year), and Pediatrics. Brad and I have an understanding. I am not always right, this is true. But, when it all shakes out I am right 80 percent of the time and he is right the remaining 20 percent. I put knowing what Brad would pick in my "right" tally box because I knew from the start that Pediatrics was the best fit for Brad. Any of you who have joked around with Brad, which I assume is any of you who have actually met him, know why he'd be a great kids doctor.

Here we are then, Brad has applied to about 15 pediatric residency program across the country.

From November to January we will be flying across, up, down and around the country, interviewing at different places, sifting through our different options and trying to decide how to rank the different programs. In early March Brad will submit his rankings. The programs will then rank him. Beeboobopbeepbeep, magically Brad will then be "matched" with his future. Match Day is on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day! On that day, we will find out where in the U.S. we are headed for the next three years!!

Naturally, I have already charted out our different options with a list of the pros/cons, potential interview dates and the cost of buying a home. Game on. Just as naturally, life rarely follows a pro/con list's results. I am excited to see how the programs reveal themselves.


So far, Brad has received invitations to interview at:

1. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

2. National Children's Medical Center (Associated with George Washington University in D.C.)

3. Vanderbilt Pediatric Residency Program (Nashville, what what!)

4. University of Vermont Pediatrics Program

5. Northwestern University Pediatrics Program (Chicago)

6. Baylor University Pediatrics (Houston)

7. UCSD Pediatric Residency Program

8. University of Chicago Pediatric Program

9. Georgetown Pediatrics Program

10. Massachusetts General Pediatric Program

We are still waiting to hear from University of Washington, University of Colorado, Stanford, John Hopkins, and Boston University.

I hope you enjoy sharing this process with us!


  1. I am crossing my fingers for Stanford!!! My friend Michael is there for his psych residency and he really loves it. Good luck and I will be following your adventures! xo

  2. My bet is you guys will end up in Seattle. But if U of Colorado calls that will be a close second.
