October 25, 2010

Stay cool Cali---> Welcome to Seattle

Brad is doing a rotation at UW. Brilliant idea right? Seattle is high on the list for us as a potential residency location. Even though it is dark and has an unusually high rate of depression, Seattle has some valuable attributes. Namely, Jossy, Evan, Megan, Nicole, and Nick. Not to mention family reasonably close by (Brad's sister Jill lives a short drive away with her family!). We decided to brave Seattle during one of its harshest months, November, to see if we can hack it. So, on Friday after Brad's last med school test we hopped in Sentros for our journey North.

We made it!!!! Over the weekend Brad and I spent 24 hours or so on the 5, driving up to to our oasis, Seattle. We broke up our trip to maintain our sanity and relationship and to visit with a couple of our favorite people!

Stop #1--Sac Town

After a diffulcut farewell to our beloved felines, we left our abode in Los Feliz and drove to Sacramento. We drove along J street to get to the bar where were meeting up with Monica. I was reminded of the last time we were in Sacramento. A touching image of Evan and Brad doing their best Beavis and Butthead impression danced across my mind. Then, of course, the call out your own theme of the scene photo session memories happened. Oh the games we will play in the coming weeks. I felt energized and ready to rock with the 80s cover band.

We got to the bar and met up with Monica. Scott had come up from Bakersfield for the weekend so, double date time! Shockingly, Scott was happy to be out of Bakersfield and into the bright tunes of Madonna, Journey, and Bon Jovi. It was a splendid dance party. Monica is such a blast. I wish I could pack her up and take her with us. Here she is, welcoming us to her lovely, lovely aapartment.

After the 80's cover band double date, we crashed at Monica's fantastic apartment. I was pleased to see that her home was also covered in medical texts. She is on her own road to residency. I want her to be my Obgyn and deliver my babies. I can't imagine trusting anyone more than her. I hope she realizes the amount of peer pressure that is about to be levied upon her by the McCammack's to influence her choice. =)

After hours of catching up conversation and a not so friendly reminder from her downstairs neighbor that it was 3am, we caught some zzzzz.

 In the morning, we were off, on the road again, sad to leave but excited for our next stop, Cory (no E!) at the University of Oregon.

Stop #2 Eugene Oregon-- Go Ducks!!

You're jealous, I'm jealous. Cory is in his fourth week of college at University of Oregon. He is turning the curve toward his first college Halloween.

 My first Halloween at UCSB was absolutely amazing. It solidified the relationships I was to have for the rest of my time at UCSB. I fell in love with Merritt! So, I am stoked for Cory. We got the inside scoop on Cory's college life. He is doing really well and is living it up.

 Eugene Orgeon is lovely and wet. Although we did not make it out to the stadium, the green land and orange leaves made us feel that yep, we are here in the pacific northwest. We took Jen and John's suggestion as stayed at the Best Western by the "river" we saw adorable ducks and pretty trees. It was the perfect choice.

 Cory was kind enough to devote his Saturday evening to his Aunt and Uncle. We got to check out a couple eateries and some of the campus. We had a true Orgeonian eavesdrop our dinner conversation and then become part of the conversation as he encouraged us to hike to Manchupichu while munching coca leaves. That guy. His facial hair was inspiring. We also got to meet Cory's roommate and some of the hotties on his floor. Nice work Cory, nice work. We're going to miss Cory but we feel confident that our nephew will prosper at U of O, especially if he continues to succeed in balancing midterms with full body paint tail gates.

Stop #3-- Seattle Oasis!!!

I'm not going to lie. The last leg of our journey was the most difficult. The drive itself was fine and quite pretty. Portland had some neat buildings and bridges and Washington was was lush. But that dang Chargers game. Seriously? Brad and I were writhing in anxiety as the radio stations changed and we had to scramble to find coverage of the game. We ended up missing quite a bit but tuned in for the last moments where, with the chance to tie it up with a field goal, the Chargers pulled a false start, and to back it up, and missed. Welcome to Seattle! Maybe we'll follow Pete and become Seahawks fans. Good news though, my fantasy football team, against some decent odds, earned a butt kicking 143 point on Sunday! Miles Austin still has his contribution to make Monday night. I kept my undefeated status. ( 7-0) Still though, that loss was tough to take. Chargers, get it together!

Jossy, Evan, Nicole, and Nick made it all better though with their warm welcome. By warm welcome, I mean the delicious stew and wine they provided us. It is official, we are here for a month!! It already feels like home.

Brad started his rotation today. He was able to catch lunch with Nicole on campus. Seriously? The first day and we're all ready part of the life. LOVE IT! I am with Nicole right now at a coffee shop. I'm blogging while she's reading for her grad program. How are we ever going to be able to leave this?


While we are here in Seattle Brad will be doing at least two interviews and likely four. The two he has scheduled are: Northwestern in Chicago on November 12. Then, we are meeting up in Nashville on November 13th for the weekend before his interview at Vanderbilt on the 15th. If you are in either of those areas or want an excuse to dash over to Nashville for the weekend (which I highly suggest, Nashville is one of the most fun cities I've experienced) let us know!! I predict that Brad will love both cities but prefer Northwestern's program. We shall see. Anyone have any predictions for Brad? Let's see who has the best intuition.


Mrs. Mcmack

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