December 11, 2010

Double Feature----> Georgetown & John's Hopkins

A Day at the Mall
     This week Brad armed himself with all of the fuzzy, cozy, and layerable items he owns and headed to the east coast for a residency interview double header. His first stop: Georgetown.

The home of the up-turned collar--both lop and even sided. Our nation's political pulse and the amazing Smithsonian are both within reach. I feel that this part of the country is calling to us. Row houses and four seasons--major pluses.

Brad went to a dinner at a resident's house with several other residents and interviewees. The dinner was fun and everyone was pleasant. Unfortunately, Brad didn't feel any sparks. The rather blase' experience was repeated during the interview the next day. The program seemed good and Brad liked a few aspects, but it just didn't "fit." Compared to Nashville, Georgetown was a yawn fest.

Even thought the program at Georgetown is not the front runner, the city itself is still very alluring. It has a MoFo office and I wouldn't have to take another bar exam. It is darn difficult to ignore these make life a lot easier facts.

Brad and I are very excited for the George Washington interview next week when D.C. will get another stab. Speaking of stab, Brad's next interview was at John's Hopkins in the charming city of Baltimore....

John's Hopkins--- We've Got a Crush

Before Brad's interview my main source of information about Baltimore came from the critically acclaimed and addicting (although it's no Friday Night Lights) The Wire. I love this show but let's be honest, it isn't a hard sell for Baltimore. The other source is our trip to Washington D.C. over the summer. We were able to check out the area and even visit the repeatedly showcased waterfront area. We were also able to walk around in the sweltering, suffocating heat. Lucky us.

Brad's trip to Baltimore for his interview at John's Hopkins surpassed his expectations, far surpassed. He drove up from D.C. and met up with some residents and interviewees at a resident's house. The drive was mildly trafficy and took about an hour. It was worth the waiting because Brad had a great time at the dinner. Unlike the previous dinner, Brad immediately clicked with all the people and felt a chemistry. He was crushing on John's Hopkins big time! At the dinner, he learned that quite a few people have spouses who commute to D.C. from Baltimore and that John's Hopkins has a unique and thoughtful Chief Residency system. A person is chosen as Chief Resident in the last month of the intern year (the first year, which is more than a year before most programs select a Chief Resident). That person finished their residency and then takes a mandatory year away before returning to be the Chief Resident. Brad is a fabulous leader and would be a great teacher. It is fun to think about the possibilities for him in the future. I think it's a wonderful sign that a program has put a great deal of effort into the learning and teaching process.

The interview the next day went very well. The program carefully considers how best to prepare its residents. Interns focus on learning, third year residents on teaching, and second year residents on autonomy. Again, the preparation! Brad was impressed by the residents and the hospital. The only negative thing about the program is the big question mark that is living in Baltimore.

Since Brad's return from his interview we've researched and considering different living possibilities for John's Hopkins. As we've continued to talk it has become very clear, John's Hopkins has taken the lead.

CHOP, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, is on deck with George Washington rounding out the line-up for 2010. The suits at the cleaners and we're ready to go. More to come.....

Mrs. Mcmack



  2. Friend, I can attest Baltimore is fun, fun, fun!!! Lots of young people (by young, I mean late twenties, early thirties), lots of good food, lots to do, cute houses, and close to some cool places to visit (Eastern Shore, Washington D.C.). The Wire is a disturbing show (quality, but disturbing) so don't let that skew your Baltimore visions. I would totally come visit you and a few of my very good friends live there. You should meet them if you move there. They are neat, smart, and fun -- like you two!
