December 11, 2010

Seattle Indecision 2010

Dear Ms. Seattle Washington,

     I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for welcoming us to your home. We love what you've done with the place. Those were some splendid autumn colors. We loved the soup parties, the costume events, and the nearby Orths. So, what's the problem? Brad told you how much he wanted to make this relationship monogamous. He put in the effort. The best you could give him was "wait list". Seriously Seattle? Seriously? Then, you give him a shot to come and interview, the day after his birthday, on the most expensive travel weekend of the year, with less than a week's notice, and then you gave it to some other John. Ouch. What GIVES? Should we wear more expensive lipstick?
     Apparently our month of romance means little to you. Fine, we can move on. But just know, even if we answer your call, we will know it is because you are desperate. We're not interested in being your back up, even if we say yes.



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