November 17, 2010

Interview #1 -- the Suprisingly Pleasant Windy City

INTERVIEW NUMBER ONE-- Children's Memorial in Chicago

     Brad began his interview adventures last week in the jungle that is Chicago. The city and the program received Brad's high praises. In particular, Brad  marveled at are how clean downtown Chicago is and how each neighborhood is distinct but accessible. He also was pleased to discover the free zoo in the heart of the city. Our west coast boy was charmed by such amenities.

     Another key amenity Chicago featured was Brad's high school friend Ryan. Brad crashed at Ryan and Amber's  (newlyweds mind you). They generously entertained Brad for the evening and even gave him a ride to the airport in the early morning, on a Saturday! Thank you very much Ryan and Amber!

     Even though he had only had maybe four hours of sleep, the interview seemed to energize Brad. He was really excited and he funneled it into a pro con list. That pleases this here wife to no end! So--the pro con list is as follows:

                      PRO                                                                                            CON
* Happy residents                                                                              * Living long term in Chicago (with 
                                                                                                          kids) doesn't seem like a great option
*Residents actually hang out with each other outside of work      
                                                                                                          * No help with moving or job
* There is a separate intern only report before morning report                 relocation for spouses

* New hospital near medical center                                                      * Far from family

* Pragmatic specialist lectures                                                              * Winter weather (hard traveling for 

* Golden weekends twice a month (both Sat & Sun off)                 

                                                                                                           * No office for Janelle
* Free zoo in a cool city                                                                      
                                                                                                           * No childcare

* Residents have a wide variety of backgrounds   
* Totally electronic record keeping
* 50-50 1degree vs. specifically "safe zone"
 (I have no idea what this last one means, but it made the list!)

     Brad enjoyed all of the people at Children's Memorial except for one ornery person who was not very pleasant. Not too bad! For every Cuddy, you should have a House too.

     After his quick trip in Chicago, Brad put himself on a plane headed due south to Nashville. There he met up with me, Rhianna, and Chad. Stay tuned for more info about our Nashville adventures.


     Brad received an interview at John Hopkins, which he'll do right after his Georgetown interview. We'll be watching a few episodes of The Wire to prep. Seattle continues to string Brad along. He received a definitive "Maybe" from UW. It's hard to want to be with someone who isn't sure they want to be with you. That is a lesson of love UW might have to learn the hard way. Hurumpfh!

Until next time,
Mrs. Mcmack

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