November 29, 2010

Interview #2 at Vanderbilt in Nashville!

Interview Numero Dos---Nashivlle,TN

I greatly underestimated the persuasive power of southern charm. After years in Los Angeles and a few weeks in Seattle I was not prepared for the manners of Nashville folks. Oh the manners! I would not have guessed it but it turns out I love being addressed as ma'am.

We were indeed impressed by the kindness and warmth of the people we met in Nashville. However, charm does not a successful residency make. I think.

Brad and I met up in the airport (which features country memorabilia and glittery signage). From there we headed to downtown Nashville. The drive took us an onerous 15 minutes. We met up with Rhianna and Chad at the hotel and made our first important stop: Cracker Barrel. We rocked in rocking chairs outside until our name was called and had ourselves some mighty fine country cookin. The eating didn't stop there. For the next couple days we fed ourselves quite well and continuously.

In Nashville we were able to see the Ryman Auditorium, a bride catching up with Elvis on Main Street, Ostrich boots, Garth Brooks cover bands, my fantasy team kick butt, and the movie Red. We had a great time.

Pre-Interview Interview---The Happy Hour

 On Sunday night, after we said goodbye to Rhianna and Chad, Brad and I met other residency applicants and a second year resident in the lobby of the hotel. We chatted a bit about our weekends, where we came from, and all that good get to know you jazz. We also had a nice little convo about the wonderful amenity of seat heaters in cars.

From the hotel, we crossed the street to get to the restaurant. Here we experienced an amazing moment. The cars stopped, in the middle of the street, to let us pass. No honking. No irritation. No near miss. It was amazing.

The happy hour dinner was fantastic. We talked with interns and second year residents about the pediatrics program and life in Nashville. Several residents mentioned that a perk of working at the Children's Hospital in Nashville is the string of celebrities, of the country music variety,that come and visit around the holidays. One of the residents had a picture with TSwift. Bonus! We talked about neighborhoods, house prices and softball teams. A key moment involved high five technique building exercises. I hope we made a good impression.

Brad's interview the next day went great. Brad instantly felt like one of the gang. The program is very supportive, even for spouses, and the residents themselves seem to be happy satisfied folks. 

So folks, it seems that Nashville is a major contender. How many of you could be convinced to move to country music capital USA?

1 comment:

  1. Let's mention that we made quite an impact on a few of the residents at the happy hour. The next day at my interview, I heard from a resident who was NOT at happy hour that Janelle and I had made a good impression. Maybe we are Southern at heart?
