January 15, 2011

Lone Star State of Mind

Brad started the new year off right, with a quick trip to Baylor Children's Hospital in Houston Texas. Here is what a few previous residents had to say about the peds program......
"On call, if my pager is silent for more than fifteen minutes -- I check the to make sure it is still functional. I usually do manage to get a couple hours of sleep on call. The schedule allows one day off a week -- there are no 'golden weekends'".

"This program has a ton of scutwork. The majority of attendings who admit to TCH are private and interns act as their personal secretaries." 

(passages are from scutwork.com)

Kind of scary right?! However, these comments are a few years old and other doctors have great things to say about Baylor's program. Brad went into the interview with an open mind.

Brad felt a bit ambivalent about the city of Houston. It reminded him of LA in that it was sprawling with a hefty suburbia surrounding the city. It has a big theater scene and people were friendly. He didn't encounter that many people in the city though, because no one really walks around. A big difference from Los Angeles is the reasonable housing costs in the area. Apparently there is a place called Condotown (either a joke or for serious, we aren't sure) that has great options for new residents.

The program at Baylor is good with a fairly large amount of residents and interesting opportunities. All in all, it was pretty good.

Houston is not central to many things. It is outside of the job range for me and we don't really know anyone in Houston. It doesn't have the amazing city appeal of Austin but the ocean is only a 35 mile drive away.

We would not hate Baylor, but I think it is no match for the likes of John's Hopkins, D.C., and Nashville.

Next Brad head back east to the seriously northern state of Vermont. How aboot that! (it's close to Canada, that far north!)


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