January 20, 2011

Way to Stay Classy- Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego

It may be true that as a couple Brad and I have a lust for adventure. We've traveled to many a foreign land and we try to get out of our comfort zone pretty regularly (except for Brad's resistance to horseback riding which is the activity farthest outside of his comfort zone. Boo! How am I supposed to be a legitimate cowgirl without a cowboy?)

That being said, every time we visit San Diego I feel at home. Frankly that feeling trumps adventure for me most days.  Dawson's Creek's soundtrack song "Feels Like Home to Me" got it right. Yes, I went there.

                            Family bike ride in Mission Beach during one of our recent trips to SD

I have awesome siblings.

                                       Here we are with our high apple pie in the sky hopes for San Diego.

So, I felt quite anxious as Brad headed out for his Rady Children's Hospital (associated with UCSD) interview. I wanted him to love it, but at the same time, if he loved it, did that me we were well on our way to a predictable Southern California future? Is predictable even bad?
Brad went to a happy hour meet n' greet on Thursday night, staid with my Grandma, Mom and lil' Brother and went to the interview Friday morning. I talked to brad Thursday night and he seemed happy with the happy hour. Several residents showed up and all were laid back, friendly, and interesting. He liked the area where the happy hour was held, Hillcrest. I am a big fan of Hillcrest myself. An added plus to the area is my cousin and his lovely bride live close by.
Friday afternoon Brad called me and he sounded like he was 5 and just discovered silly putty, the kid was excited. I couldn't talk long but I could tell he really liked the program. It turns out, he was so jazzed he just had to tell someone all about it. He called my Mom his Mom and his Dad (and probably other) to tell them what a great day he had.

Brad felt like the interview went incredibly well. The program seemed to be geared right towards his personality and goals. It has a mix of learn as you go and structured supportive services, it has access to community outreach programs (one is a juvenile hall health program---my ears perked up big time!), and without even mentioning one of his favorite activities, Brad learned that many residents surf every week.
We're so close to the end of the interview season and it is becoming more and more apparent how much of a priority being near family is becoming. yes, it is only 3 years, but it is 3 whole years. Brad and I have only known each other 3 and a half years. So, many things can happen in that amount of time and I am not sure how I feel about being isolated from many loved ones. Then again, if we were going to select 3 years to go and explore and have some adventures in a new place, these years are quite well suited. Sigh. How shall we choose? Luckily, we don't get to choose! Match Day will take much of the selection process out of our hands.
With all of this life altering quest confusion, I almost forgot about Colorado! An early favorite, Colorado is now the only stop left on Brad's interview circuit. I am sure he is exhausted, but I know he will enjoy his last visit.
In the next post I will give you the scoop on Denver as well as Brad's rank list as of that day. Exciting stuff! Then, we'll be eagerly waiting for Match Day on March 17th (St. Patty's Day) when we will find out where Brad matched.

Stay Classy Bloggerwatchers,

Mrs. Mcmack

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