December 21, 2010

On the CHOPping Block

Brad and I set out on our east coast jaunt on December 15th. We had a lovely surprise waiting at the airport gate: Kelsey! It was a packed flight to Philadelphia, but having a friend to chat with made it easy breezy. Kelsey is also applying for a pediatric residency and had an interview at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) on the same day as Brad. Fun!

 Kelsey has already interviewed with San Diego and has visited Denver's program. She had good things to say about both, so more good choices likely await Brad in January. Back to Philly....Welcoming us was a big frosty hug to the tune of 32 degrees. Also handy with big hugs were Joanna and Tom. We walked through University City to their place and then scooted out to Banana Leaf, an awesome Malaysian restaurant in Chinatown.

We were regaled with stories of a Baltimore proposal in a museum and an accidnetally offensive headband worn in musical moments. Tom is in a band Via Audio that we learned about and have since listened to. Compelling stuff, ya'll should check them out on Itunes.

We hustled back to Joanna and Tom's, had a night cap of Trader Joe's peppermint cookies, and got some shut eye. Brad awoke less than five hours later and walked the mile or so to CHOP. I explored West Philly a bit. It is lovely! As Joanna pointed out, Philly loves him some Ben Franlkin! In addition, I had the distinct pleasure of being snowed on while walking to UPenns Anthropology museum. Double score!

The First Snow Flakes!
                                                      Adorable West Philly Street

The First, The Best?
I met up with Brad and Kelsey at CHOP after their interview. They agreed that CHOP had a great program with abundant research opportunities and the people seemed pretty cool. Nothing in particular stood out as a must have, but the carol singers were sure nice! Joanna and Tom picked us up and the snow continued to fall.

Sadly, our time with Joanna and Tom had come to an end. Joanna graciously agreed to drive us to the happy hour dinner, which was about a mile away. No joke, it took us over 45 minutes to drive there. I thought we left LA! We made it to the happy hour, unbundled, and hoped for the best.

Unfortunately, hope sometimes sinks. Only four residents showed up the happy hour, which was on the way to where most of them live. 4 of 150, sorry CHOP that statistic is not promising.More importantly than the numbers, the residents who did show up were not warm, friendly or interesting. I think that maybe they felt because CHOP is a highly regarded program the applicants should just feel luck to be in the presence of the residents. I guess they forgot that entitlement isn't attractive on anyone. For me I think the nail in the coffin was when one of the residents, who I had to initiate any and all semblances of conversation with, after having dissed Los Angeles after he huffed and puffed about all the people he know in both law and real estate, informed me with a flip of his fuzzy cap (yes, he kept it on at the bar) that he grew up in Torrey Pines. I had to turn my head so he didn't catch my huge eye roll. We didn't get a chance to talk with the two of the residents, but the other that we did speak with arrived late and left early. She had a very difficult time getting through two sentences without a complaint. On top of that, she was boring. Wow. It was an incredibly stark comparison to the warm, inviting, high-fiving happy hour in Nashville.

We barely got to the coat rack before we were whispering, "Wow, did you think they sucked as much as  think they sucked." By the time we made it to the train station, I had decided, if I were in charge of ranking, CHOP would be dead last. But, Brad was able to meet some great Doctors, and we LOVED hanging out with Joanna and Tom. The city is really amazing and I could even commute to another city for work. Really though, if the ratio of d-baggery to awesomeness in a happy hour setting is nearly 1, my intuition is to head for the sliding door and never look back.

We hopped on the train to D.C., waving at John 's Hopkins as we rode by. We were also able to follow the  Charger game on Brad's phone. Go Bolts!!! Vincent Jackson had an amazing night, securing my fantasy football victory. That, coupled with meeting up with Jennie and Kris at their place in D.C. , made the evening a great one. Brad settled in for a long nap of five hours before he woke up and headed to Children's Memorial.............

Mrs. Mcmack

December 11, 2010

Double Feature----> Georgetown & John's Hopkins

A Day at the Mall
     This week Brad armed himself with all of the fuzzy, cozy, and layerable items he owns and headed to the east coast for a residency interview double header. His first stop: Georgetown.

The home of the up-turned collar--both lop and even sided. Our nation's political pulse and the amazing Smithsonian are both within reach. I feel that this part of the country is calling to us. Row houses and four seasons--major pluses.

Brad went to a dinner at a resident's house with several other residents and interviewees. The dinner was fun and everyone was pleasant. Unfortunately, Brad didn't feel any sparks. The rather blase' experience was repeated during the interview the next day. The program seemed good and Brad liked a few aspects, but it just didn't "fit." Compared to Nashville, Georgetown was a yawn fest.

Even thought the program at Georgetown is not the front runner, the city itself is still very alluring. It has a MoFo office and I wouldn't have to take another bar exam. It is darn difficult to ignore these make life a lot easier facts.

Brad and I are very excited for the George Washington interview next week when D.C. will get another stab. Speaking of stab, Brad's next interview was at John's Hopkins in the charming city of Baltimore....

John's Hopkins--- We've Got a Crush

Before Brad's interview my main source of information about Baltimore came from the critically acclaimed and addicting (although it's no Friday Night Lights) The Wire. I love this show but let's be honest, it isn't a hard sell for Baltimore. The other source is our trip to Washington D.C. over the summer. We were able to check out the area and even visit the repeatedly showcased waterfront area. We were also able to walk around in the sweltering, suffocating heat. Lucky us.

Brad's trip to Baltimore for his interview at John's Hopkins surpassed his expectations, far surpassed. He drove up from D.C. and met up with some residents and interviewees at a resident's house. The drive was mildly trafficy and took about an hour. It was worth the waiting because Brad had a great time at the dinner. Unlike the previous dinner, Brad immediately clicked with all the people and felt a chemistry. He was crushing on John's Hopkins big time! At the dinner, he learned that quite a few people have spouses who commute to D.C. from Baltimore and that John's Hopkins has a unique and thoughtful Chief Residency system. A person is chosen as Chief Resident in the last month of the intern year (the first year, which is more than a year before most programs select a Chief Resident). That person finished their residency and then takes a mandatory year away before returning to be the Chief Resident. Brad is a fabulous leader and would be a great teacher. It is fun to think about the possibilities for him in the future. I think it's a wonderful sign that a program has put a great deal of effort into the learning and teaching process.

The interview the next day went very well. The program carefully considers how best to prepare its residents. Interns focus on learning, third year residents on teaching, and second year residents on autonomy. Again, the preparation! Brad was impressed by the residents and the hospital. The only negative thing about the program is the big question mark that is living in Baltimore.

Since Brad's return from his interview we've researched and considering different living possibilities for John's Hopkins. As we've continued to talk it has become very clear, John's Hopkins has taken the lead.

CHOP, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, is on deck with George Washington rounding out the line-up for 2010. The suits at the cleaners and we're ready to go. More to come.....

Mrs. Mcmack

Seattle Indecision 2010

Dear Ms. Seattle Washington,

     I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for welcoming us to your home. We love what you've done with the place. Those were some splendid autumn colors. We loved the soup parties, the costume events, and the nearby Orths. So, what's the problem? Brad told you how much he wanted to make this relationship monogamous. He put in the effort. The best you could give him was "wait list". Seriously Seattle? Seriously? Then, you give him a shot to come and interview, the day after his birthday, on the most expensive travel weekend of the year, with less than a week's notice, and then you gave it to some other John. Ouch. What GIVES? Should we wear more expensive lipstick?
     Apparently our month of romance means little to you. Fine, we can move on. But just know, even if we answer your call, we will know it is because you are desperate. We're not interested in being your back up, even if we say yes.



November 29, 2010

Interview #2 at Vanderbilt in Nashville!

Interview Numero Dos---Nashivlle,TN

I greatly underestimated the persuasive power of southern charm. After years in Los Angeles and a few weeks in Seattle I was not prepared for the manners of Nashville folks. Oh the manners! I would not have guessed it but it turns out I love being addressed as ma'am.

We were indeed impressed by the kindness and warmth of the people we met in Nashville. However, charm does not a successful residency make. I think.

Brad and I met up in the airport (which features country memorabilia and glittery signage). From there we headed to downtown Nashville. The drive took us an onerous 15 minutes. We met up with Rhianna and Chad at the hotel and made our first important stop: Cracker Barrel. We rocked in rocking chairs outside until our name was called and had ourselves some mighty fine country cookin. The eating didn't stop there. For the next couple days we fed ourselves quite well and continuously.

In Nashville we were able to see the Ryman Auditorium, a bride catching up with Elvis on Main Street, Ostrich boots, Garth Brooks cover bands, my fantasy team kick butt, and the movie Red. We had a great time.

Pre-Interview Interview---The Happy Hour

 On Sunday night, after we said goodbye to Rhianna and Chad, Brad and I met other residency applicants and a second year resident in the lobby of the hotel. We chatted a bit about our weekends, where we came from, and all that good get to know you jazz. We also had a nice little convo about the wonderful amenity of seat heaters in cars.

From the hotel, we crossed the street to get to the restaurant. Here we experienced an amazing moment. The cars stopped, in the middle of the street, to let us pass. No honking. No irritation. No near miss. It was amazing.

The happy hour dinner was fantastic. We talked with interns and second year residents about the pediatrics program and life in Nashville. Several residents mentioned that a perk of working at the Children's Hospital in Nashville is the string of celebrities, of the country music variety,that come and visit around the holidays. One of the residents had a picture with TSwift. Bonus! We talked about neighborhoods, house prices and softball teams. A key moment involved high five technique building exercises. I hope we made a good impression.

Brad's interview the next day went great. Brad instantly felt like one of the gang. The program is very supportive, even for spouses, and the residents themselves seem to be happy satisfied folks. 

So folks, it seems that Nashville is a major contender. How many of you could be convinced to move to country music capital USA?

November 17, 2010

Interview #1 -- the Suprisingly Pleasant Windy City

INTERVIEW NUMBER ONE-- Children's Memorial in Chicago

     Brad began his interview adventures last week in the jungle that is Chicago. The city and the program received Brad's high praises. In particular, Brad  marveled at are how clean downtown Chicago is and how each neighborhood is distinct but accessible. He also was pleased to discover the free zoo in the heart of the city. Our west coast boy was charmed by such amenities.

     Another key amenity Chicago featured was Brad's high school friend Ryan. Brad crashed at Ryan and Amber's  (newlyweds mind you). They generously entertained Brad for the evening and even gave him a ride to the airport in the early morning, on a Saturday! Thank you very much Ryan and Amber!

     Even though he had only had maybe four hours of sleep, the interview seemed to energize Brad. He was really excited and he funneled it into a pro con list. That pleases this here wife to no end! So--the pro con list is as follows:

                      PRO                                                                                            CON
* Happy residents                                                                              * Living long term in Chicago (with 
                                                                                                          kids) doesn't seem like a great option
*Residents actually hang out with each other outside of work      
                                                                                                          * No help with moving or job
* There is a separate intern only report before morning report                 relocation for spouses

* New hospital near medical center                                                      * Far from family

* Pragmatic specialist lectures                                                              * Winter weather (hard traveling for 

* Golden weekends twice a month (both Sat & Sun off)                 

                                                                                                           * No office for Janelle
* Free zoo in a cool city                                                                      
                                                                                                           * No childcare

* Residents have a wide variety of backgrounds   
* Totally electronic record keeping
* 50-50 1degree vs. specifically "safe zone"
 (I have no idea what this last one means, but it made the list!)

     Brad enjoyed all of the people at Children's Memorial except for one ornery person who was not very pleasant. Not too bad! For every Cuddy, you should have a House too.

     After his quick trip in Chicago, Brad put himself on a plane headed due south to Nashville. There he met up with me, Rhianna, and Chad. Stay tuned for more info about our Nashville adventures.


     Brad received an interview at John Hopkins, which he'll do right after his Georgetown interview. We'll be watching a few episodes of The Wire to prep. Seattle continues to string Brad along. He received a definitive "Maybe" from UW. It's hard to want to be with someone who isn't sure they want to be with you. That is a lesson of love UW might have to learn the hard way. Hurumpfh!

Until next time,
Mrs. Mcmack

November 8, 2010

Make Like a Tree and Leave (Dang You Stanford)

We've had some good news and bad news over the last couple weeks.

First, Stanford must have found out that we attended the Huskies tailgate in full effect on Halloween because shortly after the game, Brad learned that he did not receive an interview with Standford's Children's Hospital. The bay area will have to mourn the loss of the McCammack's because it is certain we will not be partaking in your city lights and crazy high living cost in the next few years.

Shortly after the rejection, I was actually on a plane heading to the hilly city for a work training. Don't worry, I glared out the plane window at the mean girl that is Standford.

After we heard from Stanford, we both grew nervous about the outstanding invitations-- Colorado, Seattle, and Boston.

Good news was just around the bend though as the University of Colorado made the right choice and offered Brad an interview. Hooray! Although we were not waiting with much anticipation, we also heard from the Children's Hospital in Austin. Brad got an interview there as well! It turns out, Texas loves us! I admit, I love Miranda Lambert. She hails from Tyler, TX near Dallas. Even though I think the likelihood of us ending up in the Lonestar State is relatively low, I am excited to see how Brad enjoys the programs. Here is a picture of us the last time we visited Austin.

We loved it, even though watching the Jets beat the Chargers was tough to swallow. The local bars with their many beers on tap sure helped!

Brad scheduled his Colorado and Austin interviews for mid-late January. Thus, January is going to be a big month for fun interviews. I again suggest that everyone look into a weekend trip to Texas or Colorado to accompany Brad!

Rhianna and Chad have smartly planned to meet up with us for our Nashville weekend coming up! We will be there from Friday to Monday. Brad surprised me for our one year anniversary with a trip to Nashville and we haven't been able to stop singing its praises since. The Vanderbilt residency program in Nashville has really shown its southern charm so far, with being very quick to answer questions Brad has had about the program and even inviting me to visit with the program people. Wow! I am curious as to how charming the program will be in person. I can't help it, I love to be wooed!

Brad is going to his first interview in Chicago this Friday. he flies out Thursday and is staying with his high school friend Ryan. Send him warm and windy thoughts for his first interview!! We have been told by many folks that we would love Chicago. All I know is I think that mirror bean thing looks amazing and I feel pretty good about Oprah. That's a start!

Where's the Love SEATTLE!

We continue to eagerly wait to hear from UW in Seattle. We have loved living here so much. It would be sad if the possibility of staying was not even available. That is how the game goes I suppose. We will definitely hear by the end of this week. How could they not want to interview Brad!! Hopefully, the program will come to its senses.

I'll post more when I know more.

Mrs. Mcmack

October 25, 2010

Stay cool Cali---> Welcome to Seattle

Brad is doing a rotation at UW. Brilliant idea right? Seattle is high on the list for us as a potential residency location. Even though it is dark and has an unusually high rate of depression, Seattle has some valuable attributes. Namely, Jossy, Evan, Megan, Nicole, and Nick. Not to mention family reasonably close by (Brad's sister Jill lives a short drive away with her family!). We decided to brave Seattle during one of its harshest months, November, to see if we can hack it. So, on Friday after Brad's last med school test we hopped in Sentros for our journey North.

We made it!!!! Over the weekend Brad and I spent 24 hours or so on the 5, driving up to to our oasis, Seattle. We broke up our trip to maintain our sanity and relationship and to visit with a couple of our favorite people!

Stop #1--Sac Town

After a diffulcut farewell to our beloved felines, we left our abode in Los Feliz and drove to Sacramento. We drove along J street to get to the bar where were meeting up with Monica. I was reminded of the last time we were in Sacramento. A touching image of Evan and Brad doing their best Beavis and Butthead impression danced across my mind. Then, of course, the call out your own theme of the scene photo session memories happened. Oh the games we will play in the coming weeks. I felt energized and ready to rock with the 80s cover band.

We got to the bar and met up with Monica. Scott had come up from Bakersfield for the weekend so, double date time! Shockingly, Scott was happy to be out of Bakersfield and into the bright tunes of Madonna, Journey, and Bon Jovi. It was a splendid dance party. Monica is such a blast. I wish I could pack her up and take her with us. Here she is, welcoming us to her lovely, lovely aapartment.

After the 80's cover band double date, we crashed at Monica's fantastic apartment. I was pleased to see that her home was also covered in medical texts. She is on her own road to residency. I want her to be my Obgyn and deliver my babies. I can't imagine trusting anyone more than her. I hope she realizes the amount of peer pressure that is about to be levied upon her by the McCammack's to influence her choice. =)

After hours of catching up conversation and a not so friendly reminder from her downstairs neighbor that it was 3am, we caught some zzzzz.

 In the morning, we were off, on the road again, sad to leave but excited for our next stop, Cory (no E!) at the University of Oregon.

Stop #2 Eugene Oregon-- Go Ducks!!

You're jealous, I'm jealous. Cory is in his fourth week of college at University of Oregon. He is turning the curve toward his first college Halloween.

 My first Halloween at UCSB was absolutely amazing. It solidified the relationships I was to have for the rest of my time at UCSB. I fell in love with Merritt! So, I am stoked for Cory. We got the inside scoop on Cory's college life. He is doing really well and is living it up.

 Eugene Orgeon is lovely and wet. Although we did not make it out to the stadium, the green land and orange leaves made us feel that yep, we are here in the pacific northwest. We took Jen and John's suggestion as stayed at the Best Western by the "river" we saw adorable ducks and pretty trees. It was the perfect choice.

 Cory was kind enough to devote his Saturday evening to his Aunt and Uncle. We got to check out a couple eateries and some of the campus. We had a true Orgeonian eavesdrop our dinner conversation and then become part of the conversation as he encouraged us to hike to Manchupichu while munching coca leaves. That guy. His facial hair was inspiring. We also got to meet Cory's roommate and some of the hotties on his floor. Nice work Cory, nice work. We're going to miss Cory but we feel confident that our nephew will prosper at U of O, especially if he continues to succeed in balancing midterms with full body paint tail gates.

Stop #3-- Seattle Oasis!!!

I'm not going to lie. The last leg of our journey was the most difficult. The drive itself was fine and quite pretty. Portland had some neat buildings and bridges and Washington was was lush. But that dang Chargers game. Seriously? Brad and I were writhing in anxiety as the radio stations changed and we had to scramble to find coverage of the game. We ended up missing quite a bit but tuned in for the last moments where, with the chance to tie it up with a field goal, the Chargers pulled a false start, and to back it up, and missed. Welcome to Seattle! Maybe we'll follow Pete and become Seahawks fans. Good news though, my fantasy football team, against some decent odds, earned a butt kicking 143 point on Sunday! Miles Austin still has his contribution to make Monday night. I kept my undefeated status. ( 7-0) Still though, that loss was tough to take. Chargers, get it together!

Jossy, Evan, Nicole, and Nick made it all better though with their warm welcome. By warm welcome, I mean the delicious stew and wine they provided us. It is official, we are here for a month!! It already feels like home.

Brad started his rotation today. He was able to catch lunch with Nicole on campus. Seriously? The first day and we're all ready part of the life. LOVE IT! I am with Nicole right now at a coffee shop. I'm blogging while she's reading for her grad program. How are we ever going to be able to leave this?


While we are here in Seattle Brad will be doing at least two interviews and likely four. The two he has scheduled are: Northwestern in Chicago on November 12. Then, we are meeting up in Nashville on November 13th for the weekend before his interview at Vanderbilt on the 15th. If you are in either of those areas or want an excuse to dash over to Nashville for the weekend (which I highly suggest, Nashville is one of the most fun cities I've experienced) let us know!! I predict that Brad will love both cities but prefer Northwestern's program. We shall see. Anyone have any predictions for Brad? Let's see who has the best intuition.


Mrs. Mcmack

October 15, 2010

Blog O' The Morning To You

Good afternoon blogosphere!

I've decided to embrace the times and use this handy dandy blog tool to share with family, friends and anyone interested, our experience with the residency interview and selection process that will be consuming quite a bit of time over the next several months.

The Scoop on Us

My husband Brad and I have been married for a little over a year. At that time I had just finished the bar exam and was about to begin my first year as a lawyer and Brad was about to start his third year of medical school.

Brad, my brilliant little bunnykins, did wonderfully his third year. He honored in several rotations and rocked his Step 1 exams. He also rocked his fancy pants, tailored shirts, and white coat. I get to brag as much as I want, I'm his wife. In selecting which area of medicine Brad wanted to practice, he teeter-tottered between Family Medicine, Med-Peds (a combination of internal medicine and pediatrics that takes an extra year), and Pediatrics. Brad and I have an understanding. I am not always right, this is true. But, when it all shakes out I am right 80 percent of the time and he is right the remaining 20 percent. I put knowing what Brad would pick in my "right" tally box because I knew from the start that Pediatrics was the best fit for Brad. Any of you who have joked around with Brad, which I assume is any of you who have actually met him, know why he'd be a great kids doctor.

Here we are then, Brad has applied to about 15 pediatric residency program across the country.

From November to January we will be flying across, up, down and around the country, interviewing at different places, sifting through our different options and trying to decide how to rank the different programs. In early March Brad will submit his rankings. The programs will then rank him. Beeboobopbeepbeep, magically Brad will then be "matched" with his future. Match Day is on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day! On that day, we will find out where in the U.S. we are headed for the next three years!!

Naturally, I have already charted out our different options with a list of the pros/cons, potential interview dates and the cost of buying a home. Game on. Just as naturally, life rarely follows a pro/con list's results. I am excited to see how the programs reveal themselves.


So far, Brad has received invitations to interview at:

1. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

2. National Children's Medical Center (Associated with George Washington University in D.C.)

3. Vanderbilt Pediatric Residency Program (Nashville, what what!)

4. University of Vermont Pediatrics Program

5. Northwestern University Pediatrics Program (Chicago)

6. Baylor University Pediatrics (Houston)

7. UCSD Pediatric Residency Program

8. University of Chicago Pediatric Program

9. Georgetown Pediatrics Program

10. Massachusetts General Pediatric Program

We are still waiting to hear from University of Washington, University of Colorado, Stanford, John Hopkins, and Boston University.

I hope you enjoy sharing this process with us!